Kategori: Siyaset
Yazar: Caroline Mesrobian Hickman
Yayınevi: Istanbul Kültür üniversitesi
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. Tanıtım Bülteni
"Everett House has long been a source of curiosity for those who viewed it from the outside and a source of wonder for those lucky enough to have seen it from the inside. With the publication of this volume, historians and the general public will be able to more fully appreciate the importance of the house and the people who have been fortunate to call it home. Everett House has at last been fully doucmented and interpreted in a way that is fitting to its stature as one of the premiere residences in the nation's capital." Satıcı Kitap Adı Bağlantı Trendyol The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C.
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Kitap Adı Format Boyut Bağlantı The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. PDF 6.23 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. EPUB 6.96 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. MOBI 5.49 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. ODF 5.86 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. DJVU 7.32 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. RAR 4.76 MB
The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. ZIP 4.39 MB
ALTERNATİF İNDİRME LİNKLERİ Kitap Adı Format Boyut Bağlantı The Turkish Ambassador’s Residence and the cultural History of Washington, D.C. PDF 6.23 MB
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