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Puyo and Aya In Shape Land

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Tuçe Bakan Yayınevi: Puyo And Aya

Puyo and Aya In Shape Land

Tanıtım Bülteni
On is shiny ,beautiful day , Puyo was excited to go out to play. So she excited up onto Aya's bed "Let's go and have fun in Shape land! " she said. Puyo woke up Aya . "where is Shape land?" he asked , looking amazed. Puyo excitedly told the story that she had heard from the Raven, The story about the magical Shape land , well hiddden behind a secret gateway... Aya was even more surpsed. What would they find in Shape land , he wondered? While teaching Shapes with simple words, Puyo & Aya , two best pals , will also show children we can make friends, be supportive and learn to love our differences.
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Kitap Adı Format Boyut Bağlantı
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land PDF 6.23 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land EPUB 6.96 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land MOBİ 5.49 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land ODF 5.86 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land DJVU 7.32 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land RAR 4.76 MB İndir
Puyo and Aya In Shape Land ZIP 4.39 MB İndir

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