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Puff The Little Cloud

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Ela Elçi Başgül Yayınevi: Pötikare

Puff The Little Cloud

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Are you one of those children who are afraid of lightning?Do you wonder how it rains and how the rainbow appears?Have you ever looked at the clouds and thought they resemble something else?Do you know where the sun sometimes goes or why it suddenly gets dark? Come on and follow Puff the Little Cloud and his mother through the pages to learn about what happensin the sky. You will enjoy this story with a lovely happy ending and also remember Puff the Little Cloud whenever it rains. Kahramanımız küçük bulut Puf’un hikâyesini Ela Elçi Başgül yazdı, Cansu Dinç resimledi. “Gökyüzü ve Küçük Puf” ismiyle Türkçe de yayınlanan “Puf The Little Cloud” öykümüzü Melis Akdoğan Gündoğdu, İngilizceye çevirdi.
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