Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
Islamic Science

Kategori: Tarih Yazar: Seyyid Hüseyin Nasr Yayınevi: Insan Yayınları

Islamic Science

  • ISBN:
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 276
  • Cilt Tipi: Ciltli
  • Kağıt Cinsi: 1. Hm. Kağıt
  • Boyut: 21.5 x 27.5 cm
  • Diger Ozellik: renkli resimli
Tanıtım Bülteni
This is the first illustrated study of the whole of Islamic science ever undertaken. Basing himself on the traditional Islamic concept of science and its transmission and classification, the author discusses various branches of the Islamic sciences from cosmology, geography, and other qualitative and descriptive sciences to the mathematical sciences which include arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, astronomy, and music as well as certain branches of physics. The author then turns to the application of the Islamic sciences to such domains as medicine, pharmacology, alchemy, agriculture and various forms of technology connected with irrigation as well as the making of automata. In the final section of the work, the author discusses the role of man in the universe, the equilibrium between man and nature and the integration of the sciences of the Cosmos into the total scheme of knowledge drawn from the Quaranic revelation. The book combines an account of the morphology and brief history of the various sciences with illustrations drawn from sources spread throughout the Islamic world.
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Islamic Science PDF 11.46 MB İndir
Islamic Science EPUB 12.80 MB İndir
Islamic Science MOBI 10.11 MB İndir
Islamic Science ODF 10.78 MB İndir
Islamic Science DJVU 13.48 MB İndir
Islamic Science RAR 8.76 MB İndir
Islamic Science ZIP 8.09 MB İndir


Kitap Adı Format Boyut Bağlantı
Islamic Science PDF 11.46 MB İndir

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