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Everyone Speak! 3 with Workbook

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Patrick Ferraro Yayınevi: Buıld & Grow

Everyone Speak! 3 with Workbook

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    With Everyone, Speak! students build basic speaking skills through activities and topics that reflect real-life situations. This series emphasis is on integrated speaking skills related to communication skills and presentation skills. Well-designed from a pedagogical perspective, Everyone, Speak! Improves students English communication skills and presentation skills and makes learning how to speak English interesting and fun!Key Features:Each level features a balanced mix of activities designed to improve communication skills and presentation skillsPair work and group work activities encourage students to participate in communication practice, and to share and discuss ideas with their peersAge-appropriate topics improve students’ critical thinking and provide learners with the tools to succeed on speaking testsAn E-book file provides interactive activities, including exciting games, model conversations and presentations with integrated record-and-compare and role-play functions
    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookPDF6.23 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookEPUB6.96 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookMOBI5.49 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookODF5.86 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookDJVU7.32 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookRAR4.76 MB İndir
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookZIP4.39 MB İndir


    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Everyone Speak! 3 with WorkbookPDF6.23 MB İndir

    Sponsorlu Kitaplar: Tamamı Ücretsiz 10 Kitap

    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Belki de Sevemedik - 1PDF6.23 MB İndir
    Belki de Sevemedik - 2PDF5.80 MB İndir
    Belki de Sevemedik - 3PDF6.10 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 1PDF5.10 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 2PDF5.50 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 3PDF5.80 MB İndir
    Bir Yudum AşkPDF4.75 MB İndir
    Dua Gibi SevPDF5.40 MB İndir
    Sessizlik Artık SensizlikPDF5.90 MB İndir
    Yüreğin Yorgunluk GörmesinPDF5.65 MB İndir

    Benzer Kitaplar

    Kitap Yorumları - (0 Yorum)

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